News Flash

Hear members of the WAHA talk about our legislative effort and decoction experiment on Basic Brewing Radio. (Right click and hit "Save Target As" to download)

Clubs, Stores & Mentors

Time to get into the Washington Homebrewing scene.  Here you'll find info on your local clubs and stores and be able to interact with your fellow Washington Homebrewers.

The Washington Homebrewers Association believes that through better communication and cooperation, we can make Washington into the best homebrewing state.  Clubs, stores, and other homebrewers are the cornerstones of the homebrewing movement.  They bring the ideas, supplies, and muscle that can make better beer possible.  Take the time to browse through these sections to make the connections you need to make the best beer and help others do the same.

Homebrewing Clubs (Map) - Find your local club and get involved!

Homebrew Supply Stores (Map) - Great beer starts locally - find a local store and get brewing.

Find A Mentor - Looking for some guidance and wisdom.  Find another homebrewer willing to help you on your way.


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