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Better bottle fills from kegs PDF Print E-mail
Learn - Tips & Tricks
Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 15 July 2008 19:59

For those of us who keg, getting a few bottles of beer ready for a competition can be a problem, especially if you do not have a counter-pressure filler.  Filling bottles directly out of a faucet can release a lot of carbon dioxide and leave you with a flat beer.  The lowest tech way out of this problem is to slip 6"-8" of cleaned hosing into the end of your faucet or cobra tap so that you can fill beers from the bottom of the bottle with slightly less agitation and carbon dioxide loss.  You will still get a fair amount of foam, but this will help a bunch.  If you want to get a certain carbon dioxide level, you may just need to carbonate the beer a little more to accommodate for the loss.  With a little cleverness, you can purge the bottles with carbon dioxide as well using a similar technique and minimize oxygen pickup.  Doing this can save a ton of time getting those entries together so that your beer can be evaluated.

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