The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here. (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great! Enjoy!
The Washington Homebrewers Association is proud to FINALLY publicly announce that the 2012 National Homebrewers Conference is coming to Seattle/Bellevue from June 21-23, 2012. We want ALL Washington homebrewers to be a part of this landmark event. We'll have more info coming soon and will be working on our conference planning website at
Until then, check out our pre-conference video to get yourself motivated.
This is the largest annual gathering of homebrewers in the country and is an event not to miss. It features three days of educational seminars from homebrewers, craft brewers, and industry professionals, hosting of the second round of the National Homebrew Competition (the world’s largest beer competition), a local craft brewers festival, industry exhibits, and a homebrew club night / festival where you can try the best and most innovative homebrews from all over the country (and from all of our clubs!) You can find out more about the National Homebrewers Conference at and can find out more about our planning as it develops at (the local committee’s main website).
The conference is a great time but takes a lot of effort from local homebrewers and clubs. We will be needing people to help plan pre-conference events, judge and steward for the competition, help with beer logistics, and generally just lend a hand throughout all of the conference events. With a lot of help the conference will run incredibly smoothly and everyone will have a great time. We will be working to get up a tool to volunteer to help with the conference very soon. You can read about all of the things that the local committee has to work on here:
The most important thing that you can start doing now is brewing beer, meads, and ciders! We are the hosts and as the hosts, we want the guests to be able to enjoy great brews all throughout the conference. You can start brewing some great, exciting beers now and definitely get brewing next spring. Homebrewers who are part of clubs should start getting together to plan out what beers they would like to have on tap at throughout the conference. Clubs should start finding out who is planning on being a part of the conference and form a planning team to help arrange club logistics.
We are very excited to have all of you be a part of what will be the greatest conference ever. Get the word out to your friends and start your beer engines!