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Impaling Alers BJCP Exam Cram - February 09 Exam PDF Print E-mail
Learn - BJCP Classes
Written by Tim   
Sunday, 10 August 2008 22:42

Class Brought to You Courtesy of the Impaling Alers

The Impaling Alers  will host at least one BJCP Exam Cram session which will focus on time management, test taking theory, and an actual full-on 3 hour exam complete with essay questions and beers to taste & evaluate.  We found this to be a very helpful tool in taking the exam last year.  There will be a nominal fee, similar to the other club-hosted study group sessions to help cover the cost of beers and materials.  The practice test questions will be made available on the WAHA site right after the practice test for those who cannot attend.  Take the practice exam on your own if you need to, but the pressure of being under the gun with a group is reflective of the real deal and will help you be better prepared to manage the limited time for taking the exam.

The practice exam will be held 1-2 weeks prior to the formal exam.  The exam will likely be held in late February 2009.  The date will be posted as soon as it is decided.  Email me with any questions and to get your name on the list for the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

More info to follow as details progress.  Check with your local club rep regarding the club-sponsored study groups and review sessions.  Currently, CBG, GEBL and NSH are planning study groups and review sessions.  Check the site for study group details.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 July 2009 09:25
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