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Vote for Tom Schmidlin! PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 20:17

Washington AHA Members,

The Washington Homebrewers Association would like to encourage you to vote for Tom Schmidlin for the American Homebrewers Association Governing Committee.  Tom is currently running for one of six positions open on the AHA Governing Committee and would be an excellent advocate for homebrewers across the country and a great representative for Washington.

Tom has been a homebrewer for almost two decades and a strong member of our homebrewing community.  He has been one of the leaders of the homebrewing movement in Washington even before the WAHA formed.  He worked to bring clubs together to prepare for a bid for Washington to host the NHC and realized the importance of homebrewers getting together to celebrate the hobby.  Tom was one of the three founding members of the WAHA who recognize that by working together, all of us could make homebrewing in our state an even greater hobby.  He has served as a president in a club, as a rep for the WAHA, and as an Executive Board member on the WAHA as well.  Tom was a core part of the legislative movement to legalize the transport of homemade beer and wine in Washington, without which we could not legally celebrate our hobby the way that we can today.

These things make him arguably the best candidate for serving on the AHA Executive Committee.  He has worked on issues core to the AHA goals and has a passion for the hobby with deeper roots than almost any homebrewer out there.  While working to serve homebrewers across the country, he will also help to express the perspectives and experiences of Washington homebrewers.  As Washington continues our movement to set a higher bar for homebrewing and organizational excellence, having Tom on the AHA board will help show the strength of our community to the rest of the country giving us a great advocate to help bring the National Homebrewers Conference to Washington where we can really show the country the excellence and pioneering spirit of our brewers.

For all of the AHA members out there, please take the time to vote for Tom and help strengthen our tie with America's homebrewing community.  You can read about his background and platform here. Tom will be a great voice for homebrewers everywhere and a great boost for celebrating Washington homebrewing!

You need to vote by March 31st so get in your vote today!  (Oh, and you have a chance to win a scholarship to the Siebel Institute's two-week Concise Course so in case you needed an extra reason to vote, there you go!)


Last Updated on Monday, 21 March 2011 18:58
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