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Written by Mark Emiley
Friday, 14 May 2010 14:02 |
After last year’s resounding success of Beerstock 5060, Beerstock 5060-2 is coming up soon! Last year’s festival featured about 100 people in attendance serving close to 70 beers. This year’s festival will be held up in Arlington on July 24th and is limited to homebrew club members. Each club is invited to host a table/tent and serve their club members’ beers. Each club is responsible for their own jockey boxes and/or dispensing set-ups, signs, table and sun shield. Set-up begins at 1:00pm and the main event starts at 2.
Beerstock will feature:
- Sample other brew club member’s beer in a Beerstock taster glass & talk with brewers.
- Bring a bottle of your home brew or pour off your tap to sit down with a BJCP beer judge and discuss its merits and brewing techniques.
- Beer games, raffles and a beer quiz available with prizes awarded.
- Play horseshoes, listen to live music, play croquet or walk thru the maze
- Smell and compare various hops and grains.
- Brewing demonstration
- A pot luck dinner will be held around the bon-fire. (Extra bonus points for bringing a dish made with beer.)
- Brewing equipment garage sale
Each attendee must be a club member or club member’s spouse or partner and be at least 21 years of age. All attendees will need to bring a pot-luck dish (main course provided) and any non-alcoholic beverages they would like to consume. Sorry, no dogs allowed this year. Chairs and camping gear are welcomed. Please carpool!
Each club needs to arrange their attendance and member participating through the organizers. Start brewing now for a great festival!

Last Updated on Friday, 14 May 2010 14:13 |