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If you missed Jess Caudill's (from Wyeast) talk on "bugs" as our Educational Speaker you can download the audio here.
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News - Latest News
Written by Mark Emiley   
Thursday, 05 August 2010 14:29

Heading out to a local event and want to represent Washington homebrewing?  We've pulled together some basic materials to help prepare an exhibit and let people know about homebrewing and Washington's homebrewing community.

All you have to do is print these out and bring them with you and you should be ready to go!  If you are a part of a club, please bring some materials on your club as well.

Overview of WAHA - A basic run-down of who WAHA is and whave we do.

WAHA Basic Poster - Invitation for people to come to the WAHA website to find out what is going on in Washington Homebrewing.

WAHA Mini-Flier - Small version of the poster that can be cut up to make four little fliers.

Materials for a Tri-Fold Display - These are some basic materials talking about Washington's Homebrewing scene including stores, clubs, awards programs, etc.  (It is recommended to possibly print out the rep list, store page, and club page from the website as they are the most up to date).

How to Homebrew Pictures - A simple step by step visual display on how the extract homebrewing process work. - Coming Soon


Last Updated on Thursday, 05 August 2010 15:06
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