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Final 2012 WHOTY Standings PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - Awards
Written by Peter Twigg   
Wednesday, 04 January 2012 08:55

The results below are the current WHOTY standings as given by the most recent data submission from the competition organizers.  Final WHOTY standings for the year will not be posted until after the WAHA awards announcement around the March timeframe of the subsequent year.


Winner GEBL Hop Madness Joint CBC Pro-Am Ev State Fair Best of the Bay Nfest High- lander Mead & Cider Cup   Total
Jonathan Permen0.7881.0381.6460.5151.2880.0975.372
Jiri Zatloukal1.1771.3930.4000.3360.5460.4794.331
Mark Tanner0.2250.5372.7993.560
Roger Kee1.3590.4150.6000.4942.867
Jeremy Allison0.1961.2140.1370.7282.275
Timothy Leber0.0950.1880.2360.8741.394
Nathaniel McLaughlin1.3191.319
Nic Templeton1.2661.266
Brian Searfass0.1800.6810.2821.143
Todd Quessenberry0.7680.1890.957
Mark Craig-Davenport0.8930.893
Jason Call0.8740.874
Will Fredin0.8030.803
Ben Bottoms0.7510.751
Phil Knudson0.7210.721
Craig Chapman0.6590.659
David Allen0.2390.3880.627
James Weisweaver0.1740.4350.609
Doug Fielding0.5510.551
Brian Tetreault0.5470.547
Jim Dunlap0.1740.3600.534
Josh Smith0.5160.516
Brendon George0.0650.4470.512
Tim Heryford0.4980.498
Chris Sires0.4790.479
Chris Brehm0.4680.468
Kenneth Trevino0.4650.465
Mike Hausenfluck0.4420.442
Jonathan Rabon0.4120.412
Dennis Nagy0.1160.2820.398
Joe Stillwell0.3960.396
Jim Trimble0.3820.382
Barry Chan0.3320.332
Matt Yoakum0.1740.1580.331
Brian Fischer0.3110.311
Nick Ladd0.3070.307
Brendan Gramer0.2940.294
Mark Emiley0.2860.286
Kevin Nolan0.2760.276
Jesse Nickerson0.0350.2400.275
Pete Maxson0.2710.271
Alison Sheafor-Joy0.1300.1240.254
Matt Smith0.2520.252
Mark Joy0.2510.251
Kelly Gambini0.2340.234
Bob Yeaw0.1740.0530.227
Brian Allen0.0640.1580.221
Jim Brischke0.2170.217
Steve Thurman0.1740.0420.216
Jody Chinn0.2050.205
Jason Shaw0.2050.205
Robert Reyes0.2040.204
Matthew Blosser0.2000.200
Tim Mooney0.1980.198
Isaac Hanks0.1960.0000.196
Mike Ritzer0.1450.0490.194
Tavish Sullivan0.1940.194
Trevor Nichol0.1890.189
Patrick Davin0.1840.184
Jessy Nations0.1800.180
Reinhard Nann0.1790.179
Thomas Boczar0.1660.166
Chris McClanahan0.1060.0600.166
Alex Cleanthous0.1620.162
Andrew Richardson0.1560.156
Kevin Butler0.1520.152
Tim Kordik0.1450.145
Ryan Meyer0.1440.144
Ken Dinsmore0.1410.141
David Pucci0.0480.0840.132
Ken Newton0.1320.132
Brian Fairley0.1300.130
Kevin Ceder0.1260.126
Louis Strowger0.1260.126
Jeff James0.1210.121
Dan Hansen0.1200.120
Ty Ovendale0.1160.116
Paul King0.1160.116
Jody Moffett0.1160.116
Ben Schielke0.1100.110
Dercik Avitt0.1100.110
Steve Cook0.1000.100
Scott Sannes0.0490.0470.097
Brian Scott0.0900.090
Kevin Hunt0.0880.088
Jonny Miner0.0850.085
thomas weaver0.0840.084
Casey Williams0.0780.078
Kevin Bender0.0740.074
Jim Hinken0.0740.074
Christian Rapp0.0720.072
James Martini0.0720.072
Stephen Dahl0.0660.066
Victor Gomez0.0650.065
Roger Bauer0.0630.063
David Spratt0.0600.060
Kyle Jacobson0.0600.060
Dennis Fugier0.0590.059
Jackie Trimble0.0590.059
Mark Guth0.0580.058
Marcus Gall0.0580.0000.058
Mike Floyd0.0570.057
Kenneth Reister0.0530.053
Delaney Wardell0.0530.053
Patrick Middledorf0.0420.042
David Greenwood0.0420.042
James Golovich0.0390.039
Last Updated on Friday, 10 May 2013 13:44
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