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Puget Sound Pro-Am Results PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Monday, 13 July 2009 16:32

The Puget Sound Pro-Am is complete and in the record books.  The competition drew 300 entries for the first time in Washington history and resulted in 13 beers being brewed by local breweries.  It also raised close to $1200 to help support WAHA.  Here are the results.


1st Place: Steve Milnes's "Kolsch" 
2nd Place: Mark Trent's "Valle de Oro" (Belgian Specialty Ale)
3rd Place: Mike & Steve Brown's "Caber Toss" (Strong Scotch Ale) 
Honorable Mention: Jeff O'Neal's "The Kind" (Classic Rauchbier) 

Pro-Am Qualified Selections:
Baron Brewing Company - Joel Pratt's "Goat Roper Scotch Ale", Strong Scotch Ale 
Big Al Brewing - Mike & Steve Brown's "Caber Toss", Strong Scotch Ale 
Big Time Brewery and Alehouse - Ryan Hilliard's "Pale Ale", American Pale Ale
Diamond Knot Brewery - Eric Surface's "Vader-Ade", Schwartzbier
Elliott Bay Brewery - James Golovich's "American Barleywine 2007", American Barleywine (selection made in 2008 PSPA)
Elysian Brewing Company - Mark Joy's "Pucker Puss", Wood Aged Beer
Flyers Restaurant and Brewery - Mark Emiley's "Formico", Foreign Extra Sout
Issaquah Brewhouse - Nathan Zorich's "Rochefontaine's 9", Belgian Dark Strong
Ram Restaurant and Brewery (Lakewood) - Steve Milnes's "Golden Strong", Belgian Golden Strong
Rock Bottom Brewery - Bellevue - Colin Lenfesty's "From Belgium, Wit Love", Witbier 
Rock Bottom Brewery - Seattle - Tim Hayner's "No Spit Wit", Witbier
Snipes Mountain Brewing Company - Karl Vanevenhoven & Derry Jefferis's "American Pale Ale", American Pale Ale

"Recreational" Selections:
Baron Brewing Company - Alison Sheafor-Joy's "Tangy Mole Brew", Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
Powerhouse Restaurant and Brewery - Jim Brischke's "Fairly Common", California Common

Thanks to everyone who helped make the event a success.  Check the Pro-Am website for details on the releases throughout the summer and get ready for next year's competition (

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