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2014 Parkway Am-Pro Competition PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 15 January 2014 19:23

Competition date 4/13/14

Entry deadline 4/5/14

Location: Parkway Tavern

Entry fee: $5 per entry

Number of bottles: 3

Competition Website:

Sponsoring Club: HoPS


Competition Organizer: Brian Tetrault (e-mail)

Additional Information:

The winners of this competition will be invited to brew their beers at The Station U-Brew in Puyallup WA and have their beer on tap at the Parkway Tavern on July 16th or October 15th depending on the style of beer (some beers will take longer to ferment than others). 4 - 6 winners for each tapping night, depending on the quality of entries.

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