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Woody Cup Club Only Competition Information PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Sunday, 09 February 2020 18:33

Woody Cup 2020                    

Barrel Aged Beer 

Club Competition



                                                Official Guidelines and Information


Homebrew club competition only, the brewer/s is required to belong to a homebrew club. The brewer/s designates their Homebrew Club when they register and submit their entry or entries. More than one barrel aged beer can be entered per brewer/s.


If the club would prefer, they can hold an internal competition and the winning beer or a blend of winning beers get barrel aged. The final beer can be a single brewer’s creation, a collaboration of several beers into one recipe, or a blend of several beers within the club. It's really how creative and or collaborative the club wants to get. 


Each brewer/s is responsible for obtaining their barrel. The barrel can be any size and new or used.


The beer can be any style and any and all adjuncts are allowed. Examples are- chocolate, any spirit (whiskey, gin, etc.) fruit/s, herbs and more. As long as barley, hops, yeast and water are part of the recipe profile.


There will be a kickoff barrel aging discussion event this year with Matt Lincoln, Head Brewer and Matt Lincecum, Founder Fremont Brewing with limited seating, sign up early.


Date: March 7, 2020

Time: 1:00-2:30PM

Location: Fremont Brewing

               4700 Ninth Ave NW

               Seattle, WA 98107


Pre-registration is required on line with Fremont Brewing.


And all those attending must be 21+ years of age


The clubs will have from the first of the year to the end of October, first of November to brew and age their beer and drop off their entries.



Entering beers information Entry Deadline November 14, 2020.


Each entry will require a minimum of four (4) labeled 22oz bottles. (We’re expecting up to 80 attendees at the final tasting event and will need at least one ounce per taster)

Label information- First/last name, homebrew club, and style of beer rubber banded to each bottle.


Entry drop off locations-


Sound Homebrew Supply

Micro Homebrew

Jon’s Homebrew and Wine Supply

The final tasting and awards event information:


Date: November (day and time to be determined, sometime mid-month)

Location: Fremont Brewing


At the event, each attendee (open to participating club members only and people sponsored by a club interested in joining a club) signs in, gets a clip board and pen with scoring sheet, and a tasting glass. Attendees will rate beers first to last place based on preference. When the attendees are finished tasting and scoring, they turn in their sheets, scores are tallied and the best of show winner is announced and awarded the traveling Woody Cup Trophy. The winning club, name of brewer/s and year will be engraved on the trophy. The winning homebrew club gets to keep the trophy for the year. And each year, that club will return the trophy to Sound Homebrew Supply at the end of October.


The brewer/s of the winning beer will get a chance to brew and barrel age their beer on location with Matt Lincoln at Fremont Brewing.


The top three brewer/s will be awarded sponsored prizes.

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 February 2020 14:16
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