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AHA/Pro-Am Rally-Sept 12th PDF Print E-mail
Events - WAHA Events
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 26 August 2009 05:51

On September 12th from 3-7 pm there will be an AHA rally at Elysian (Capitol Hill) where we will have as many of the Pro-Am brewed beers available as possible. Just like in previous years, this is your best chance to try most of the beers locally before going on to the GABF Pro-Am. We'll have brewery tours, you'll have a chance to talk to many of the brewers, there will be a raffle, and as always it is a great chance to meet your fellow homebrewers.

In order to get in for this event, you either need to be an AHA member or join for $33! For people joining, you'll get into the event and a chance to try all of these great beers in one spot, a year membership in the AHA including Zymurgy magazine and access to the Tech Talk forum, and be greatly helping the national homebrewing movement. Details on membership here.

Current AHA members will also have an opportunity to renew their membership for $33. Members can also upgrade their membership to a family membership for a small fee and get in your family or roommates.

Final details are posted here..

Anyone willing to help out with the rally can contact Mark Emiley here

Put the event on your calendar today and come on out to celebrate homebrewed and craft brewed beers!

Last Updated on Monday, 14 September 2009 03:55
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