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Sasquatchian Ale BJCP Style Profile PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - Judging
Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 15 May 2012 07:11

After completing judging in the Sasquatch Ale Homebrew Competition, the judges were asked to provide inputs into how they saw the artistic balance of the Sasquatchian Ale profile.  After compiling their notes, we created the BJCP style definition below.

Sasquatchian Ale Profile

Aroma: A moderate to firm hop aroma, frequently focusing on resiny, piney, woodsy, and earthy characters (fruity and citrusy hop aromas are less frequent). Moderate to strong malty aroma featuring toasted, roasted, smoked and dark caramel malt components. May have elements of chocolate, coffee, and deep toast mixed with dark fruit. Examples should exhibit some component(s) of smoke, wood, coffee, or Northwestern ingredients. Alcoholic presence may be noted. Ester profile should be minimal with no DMS or diacetyl. Components of malt, hops, and additional ingredients should find a firm yet harmonious balance with no particular aspect overpowering the others.

Appearance: Deep copper to very dark brown (not black). Thick, persistent beige to tan head. May exhibit a mild haze due to hopping and other ingredients.

Flavor: Prominent and complex malt profile with a complex blend of roast, chocolate, smoke, and toast with potential notes of coffee or dark fruit. Moderate to aggressive bitterness supporting the firm malt profile. Moderate to high presence of American hop flavor focusing on resin, pine, wood, or earthy notes (less focus on citrus characteristics). The beer should exhibit some form(s) of smoke, wood (evergreen derived), coffee, or other Northwestern ingredients. Malt, hops and additional ingredients profiles should be firmly evident; however, no particular component should overwhelm the others. Alcoholic warming may be noted. Esters and diacetyl should be minimal. The finish may vary from moderately sweet to moderately dry with a lingering combination of toasted malt, piney hop bitterness, and components of smoke, wood, or other special ingredients.

Mouthfeel: Moderately full to very full-bodied beer with a luscious texture. Moderate carbonation. Mild to moderate alcoholic warming may be noted but not be hot. May have a light astringency due to potential use of ingredients such as wood, coffee, or other herbal materials.

Overall Impression: A decidedly complex beer with large amounts of malt and hops with a Northwest influence featuring a combination of smoke, wood, coffee, or other local ingredients. The combination of malt, hops, and special ingredients may vary widely but they should strike a natural balance and leave a lasting impression.

History: A traditional ale brewed by Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest. Typically brewed over fire in the woods using rudimentary equipment, the beer naturally assumed smoky and woody notes. Seasonal variations may influence the availability and use of additional ingredients. Due to the size of Sasquatch, it was necessary to brew the beer with a sizable alcoholic strength to produce any intoxicating effects.

Comments: Varies from other categories in the sense that it typically uses a combination wood, smoke, spices, herbs or vegetables. Base beer typically style falls between an American Brown Ale, Robust Porter, and Russian Imperial Stout. All ingredients must be sourced from the Pacific Northwest.

Ingredients: Northwestern-malted pale ale, Munich, amber, brown, roasted, chocolate, crystal, and smoked malts. American hop varieties. Clean American yeast. Natural spring water preferred. Wood additions and specialty ingredients may be made throughout the brewing and aging process and should be sourced completely from the forest.

Vital Statistics:
OG: 1.065 – 1.120
FG: 1.016 – 1.035
IBUS: 50 – 90
SRM: 17 – 35
ABV: 5.4% - 10.0%

Commercial Example: BJ’s Restaurant and Brewery Sasquatch Ale

Last Updated on Friday, 25 May 2012 09:15
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