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WAHA Projects - Legal Efforts
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 15 April 2009 23:58

Help Pass Senate Bill 5060


   The amended Senate Bill 5060 passed the Senate again (43-0)!  The bill now goes to the Governor's desk.  Please call (360-902-4111) and/or write the Governor a message asking for her to sign Senate Bill 5060 when it comes to her desk. 

Background Information on the Legislative Effort 

The time has come where you can help make our effort to get our homemade beer and wine transportation laws changed.  We want people to contact their legislators to let them know that you hope they support Senate Bill 5060.  Here's how you can do that:

1. Find your legislators

You can find your legislators using this search tool

Click here to find your legislator 

When you get to the tool, you need to enter your:

  • Address
  • City
  • Zip Code

This will bring up your district's Senator and Representatives. If possible, please contact their offices via e-mail and phone call.  We'd like you to contact ALL of your legislators, regardless of party affiliation.  This will be a non-partisan bill.  We ask that everyone put any political preferences aside and focus on the topic of homemade beer and wine transportation.

You can also leave a message for all of your legislators by calling 1-800-562-6000 and asking them to support Senate Bill 5060.

2. Click on a Legislator and find the "e-mail" link on their page

After clicking on "e-mail" it will once again ask you for your address, city, and zip code to verify that you are one of their constituents.

You can help even more by also contacting committee members listed at the top of this message and asking for their support in moving Senate Bill 5060 forward. 

3. Fill out the e-mail page and send them a message or give them a quick call. 

Give your legislator some background on the effort.  Let them know: 

  • What bill is going through (Senate Bill 5060)
  • What it will do (support home made beer and wine makers by changing conditions on removal of homemade beer and wine from the house of production)
  • Why you think it is important that the RCWs are changed (beer and wine making state image, future tax generators, responsible consumers, tourism opportunities, etc.)

Keep it personal and let them know your background and stories.  If you want some background information to help with your letter or phone contact to your legislator, click of the links below:

Background Information on the Legislative Effort 

 Basic Speaking Points for Legislative Changes

More Detailed Background Information and Speaking Points for Legislative Changes

In the section marked "Response", we recommend that you select both boxes so that your message goes to all of your Legislators and that you get a response.

Click Here for an Example Message (please do not copy directly - tailor for your case and thoughts)

Once again, you can also leave a message for all of your legislators by calling 1-800-562-6000 and asking them to support Senate Bill 5060. 

4. Let us know who you contacted

If you can take one more second and fill out this brief survey, we can get an idea of who has been contacted as who hasn't.  This will help us focus our contact efforts.

5. Let other people know!

The more people we get to contact their legislators, the better of a chance that we have to get the laws changed.  You can click here to begin sending a message on to your friends and fellow supporters of our hobby!   Please only send this to Washington state residents.  (The link blocks the paragraphs up a bit.  For a better format, you can copy the text from here.)


You can also help out by posting fliers and posters.  Below are fliers and posters that you can print out and post:

Mini Handout Flier
Legal Effort Poster
Effort Tri-Fold Pamphlet
Effort Overview

Thanks for all of your support!  With your help we can get the  transportation laws changed and be able to celebrate homemade beer and wine as a community!

Last Updated on Monday, 20 April 2009 02:49
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