News Flash

The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here.  (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great!  Enjoy!
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Written by Mark Emiley   
Monday, 14 July 2008 18:45

There are a few simple things that you can do to help support the Washington Homebrewers Association.

1. Brew and share: A better Washington homebrew scene starts with great homebrew.  Keep homebrewing and trying to make each batch just a little better.  Share it with friends to get feedback but also to spread the word and joy of homebrewing.

2. Support local organizations and participate in activities: Support your local competitions, clubs, stores, events, and homebrewers!  Help out where you can and just have a great time.  We strongly encourage getting in touch with a local club as they are the workhorses that make things happen in the state.  Find a club near you and get involved.

WAHA T-Shirt3. Contribute: The WAHA can help make more things happen with a little financial support.  Since we don't want to charge fees for "membership" our funds come strictly from donations from clubs and sales of merchandise.  You can help a ton simply by contacting your club rep and ordering a WAHA t-shirt.  They look great and all of the funds go to support events designed to help you!  Look for t-shirt sales anywhere there is a WAHA event going on.  Alternately, you can send a PayPal Donation to wahafunds@ (currently not accepting credit card donations, only e-checks).

Thanks for all of your support!  Keep in touch and keep brewing!

PayPal Donations:
$5 - Pint by Pint
$10 - Growler
$20 - One batch at a time
$40 - Kegmeister
$100 - Brewing Deity

Last Updated on Thursday, 23 October 2008 10:02
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