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NHC 1st Round NW Region Info PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Monday, 22 February 2010 21:39

Be a Part of the First Round of the Northwest Regionals of the National Homebrew Competition

Enter, Judge, Steward, and Celebrate!

Break out your entries, get ready to judge, and come be a part of what will be the largest homebrew competition hosted in Washington state!  The National Homebrew Competition is the most prestigious homebrewing competition in the world, drawing collectively more entries than any other beer competition.  Seattle will be hosting the 2010 Northwest Regionals of the competition and wants Washington to bring it strong!  Homefield advantage makes a difference!  Fresher beers, and let's face it, like palates taste alike! 

Enter, Enter, Enter!

The NHC is a two round competition.  You first enter your regionals where you'll go up against brewers in our neck of the woods to qualify for the second round held at the National Homebrewers Conference (you only pay one entry fee).  The top 3 beers scoring above 30 in each BJCP Category advance to the second round (rules)

Because this is local, your beers will arrive fresh, well-treated, and be judged by a majority of judges that have a built-in appreciation for local flavor!  The full details for the competition are available HERE:

Basic Details:
Rules - Click Here
Entry Fee:
$9/entry for AHA Members, $14 for non-members
# of bottles: 1
100% Online Registration
Entry Window:
March 22nd - April 1st
Drop/Mailing Location: Pyramid Alehouse Brewery (1201 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134)
Competition Date: April 10th, Pyramid Alehouse Brewery
Judges Contact: Tim Hayner
Second Round Entries Due: June 7th

Help - Judge & Steward & Volunteer!

WE NEED EVERYONE WHO CAN OR WANTS TO JUDGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS COMPETITION!!!  Seriously here, we will have a ton of entries to judge!  If all of our great BJCP judges as well as non-BJCP brewers who know their beer and want to get some more experience judging can show up on April 10th at Pyramid Brewery to help judge, we will be able to process all of these entries quickly and show the AHA that Washington judges are a force to be recognized.  This in turn will help us bring the National Homebrewers Conference to Seattle in the future.  Lunch will be provided, we'll have a raffle, and we are working on "after-judging" plans.  We are expecting out of state/area judges to come in as well so if you need a place to stay or are willing to offer someone a place to crash, please contact Tim Hayner (please contact Tim as well if you are interested in judging and stewarding).  This is a great chance to get exposed to some fantastic beers and judges from around the region. 

Judging Information
Main Judging Session:
Saturday, April 10th, 9 am - 3 pm (arrive between 8:30-9:00)
Location: Pyramid Alehouse Brewery (1201 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134)
Breakfast Snacks and Lunch will be Provided
BJCP and Non-BJCP Judges Welcome
Stewards and Helpers Needed!
Judges Contact: Tim Hayner

"Early Session" (Get some extra BJCP points!)
Friday, April 9th starting at 6:30 pm (arrive at 6:00)

Pyramid Alehouse Brewery (1201 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134)
If Interested Contact:
Tim Hayner

Out of State Judges

Out of state judges, we want you to come on in and have a great time in Seattle!  If you want to come in and judge but need a place to stay, simply send Tim Hayner a message and we'll try to find a homebrewer's house for you to stay at.  After the event, we'd like you to enjoy some more great beer so we put together a "beer lovers map" just for you.  We are working on an extra group gathering afterwards to have a great time in downtown Seattle.


We've been fortunate to get a large number of sponsors of prizes for a raffle for anyone helping out with the judging.  While not all  posted here, you can expect to find prizes from:






Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 April 2010 06:25
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