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'10 Evergreen State Fair-WHOTY PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 07 July 2010 12:59

Evergreen State Fair 2010 - Invitation to Enter

The Homemade Beverage department at the 2010 Evergreen State Fair accepts amateur entries of homemade beer, mead, cider, wine, and soda pop. There is no entry fee. Our entry days at the Fairgrounds in Monroe are Sunday, August 1, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Monday, August 2, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Entries can also be sent directly to the superintendent, as described in the department handbook.

All rules and requirements are in the department handbook here:

Please create a personal profile and electronically pre-enter your entries with ShoWorks at the following URL:

A map and directions to the Fairgrounds are on the Fair’s web site here:

Beer, mead and cider entries are judged per BJCP guidelines. The competition is BJCP sanctioned and is a WAHA award qualifier competition. Homebrew clubs are encouraged to participate. A Club of the Year plaque is presented to the club with outstanding member participation each year. Judging is completed before the Fair begins and display bottles and results will be available for viewing at the Evergreen State Fair from August 26 to September 6. The 2010 Fair theme is “Home Grown Fun” and the theme colors are red, yellow and green.

Note: For 2010 Liqueurs and cordials are no longer accepted for entry at the Evergreen State Fair in compliance with Washington State Law.

Volunteers are needed for stewarding on judging days, and for helping as hosts in the department during the Fair. You are compensated for this with entry and parking tickets for the 2010 Fair. Please feel welcome to contact me directly with any questions you may have.

Name of Competition Evergreen State Fair
Competition Date August 14th, 2010
Entry Deadline August 5th, 2010
Location Name/Street Address Evegreen State Fairgrounds
Competition City Everett
Competition State WA
Competition Zip/Postal Code 98201
Competition Entry Fee No entry fee
Number of Bottles Required 2 12 oz bottles plus 1 water filled bottle for display
Competition Website
Sponsoring Club
Drop/Mail Location Information

Mail to:

Eric J. Wilson
2105 Lombard Avenue
Everett, WA 98201

Drop Locations:

Eric J. Wilson
2105 Lombard Avenue
Everett, WA 98201

Competition Organizer Eric Wilson
Phone 425 303-0585
E-mail Click Here
Judge Director Eric Wilson
Phone 425 303-0585
E-Mail Click Here

Additional Info:

A Call for Judges

The Homemade Beverage Department at the 2010 Evergreen State Fair accepts amateur entries of homemade beer, mead, cider, wine and soda pop. Entries are accepted through August 5 as described in our handbook and judging will take place on the 14th and 15th of August, before the Fair begins, in the Display Hall (Building 500) on the Fairgrounds in Monroe. Our judging will be earlier this year, at 9:00 on both days.

Judges and stewards are needed for beer judging on Saturday, August 14, from 9:00 AM until mid-afternoon. Beer entries are judged per BJCP guidelines and judges and stewards receive BJCP points for participation.

Judges and stewards are needed for wine judging and for mead and cider judging on Sunday, August 15, from 9:00 AM until mid-afternoon. Mead and cider entries are judged per BJCP guidelines and judges and stewards receive BJCP points for participation.

For each event we have budget to pay some judges $25.00 for the event. Stewards and unpaid judges are compensated with 2 entry tickets and one parking ticket good for the 2010 Evergreen State Fair. Lunch is provided for all judges, stewards and staff.

Please contact me to get on the judging and stewarding rosters. I fill the paid judge spots on a first-come first-serve basis. We match up novice judges with experienced judges. No previous experience is required for stewarding.

All rules and requirements are in the Department Handbook at the following URL:

A map and directions to the Fairgrounds are on the Fair’s web site at the following URL:

Eric J. Wilson
ESF O/C Homemade Beverages
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it '; document.write( '' ); document.write( addy_text57395 ); document.write( '<\/a>' ); //--> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


This is a WHOTY qualifier.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 14:50
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