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Sasquatch Ale Homebrew Competition PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Monday, 14 November 2011 09:47

Competition Results

41 Entries from 34 Brewers Judged by 20 Judges

BOS Beer Selection:

A blend of Jerome Seipp's "Bigfoot's Brown Thumb", an Imperial Brown Sahti and Ben Bottom's and Brandon Van Curen's "Sas-squashed", a Brown Ale with Smoked Squash

Honorable Mention: Peter Charbonnier and Jin Zotioukai's Samsquant#1 (CDA with alder smoked malt)

Read through all of the descriptions of the submitted beers HERE

Sasquatchian Ale BJCP Profile is available HERE

Thanks to everyone for participating. 





Want to try brewing a Sasquatch Beer at home?  Here's a recipe to start with?

Sasquatchian Ale

Size: 5.5 gal
Efficiency: 80.0%

Original Gravity: 1.075
Terminal Gravity: 1.018
Color: 23.92
Alcohol: 7.88%
Bitterness: 61.1

6 lb Munich 10L Malt
5.5 lb Smoked Malt
1 lb Belgian Biscuit
1 lb Rye Flaked
0.5 lb Crystal Malt 60°L
0.5 lb Crystal Malt 80°L
0.25 lb Special B - Caramel malt
0.25 lb Carafa Special® TYPE II
0.25 lb Chocolate Malt
5 ea Juniper Boughs - Mash - added during mash
0.5 oz Corriander seeds - added during mash
1.5 oz Cascade (6.0%) - added during boil, boiled 60.0 m
0.5 oz Centennial (9.6%) - added during boil, boiled 60.0 m
0.5 oz Cascade (6.0%) - added during boil, boiled 30.0 m
0.5 oz Centennial (9.6%) - added during boil, boiled 30.0 m
0.5 oz Juniper Berries (fresh) - steeped after boil
0.5 oz Corriander seeds - steeped after boil
0.5 L WYeast 1056 American Ale

Mash Schedule:
Mash In - Target: 152 °F
Saccharification Rest - 30.0 min
Mash Out - Target: 165 °F
Sparge and Runoff: 6.62 gal

Ferment between 60-68F with American Ale yeast.  Keg or carbonate as normal.  Enjoy in the woods with fellow hair footed friends.

Sasquatch Ale Homebrew Competition

With the 2012 National Homebrewers Conference in Bellevue next June, the Washington Homebrewers Association is looking for a special beer that Sasquatch (the honorary conference organizer) can be proud to serve to conference goers. We're looking to Washington homebrew club members to come up with they consider to be the embodiment of a "Sasquatch Ale" capture a special, Northwest, "Sasquatchian" flavor.

But what is a "Sasquatch Ale?" Ask yourself, "What Would Sasquatch Brew?" We are looking to Washington homebrew club members to come up with they consider to be the embodiment of a "Sasquatch Ale." Is it malty? Hoppy? Dark? Light? Hairy? Mysterious? Spiced? Smoky? Mossy? Woody? Who knows? But we want you to help us discover this style by entering the "Sasquatch Ale Homebrew Competition."

The "Sasquatch Ale Homebrew Competition" is open to any Washington resident who is also in a WAHA registered club. (Not in a WAHA registered club? Join one today! You can find a local club at Beer submitted to the competition will be evaluated by a panel of judges and fellow homebrewers to determine the beer that most accurately embodies the spirit of a "Sasquatch Ale." The winner will get to have their beer will be scaled up and brewed on a 1 barrel system. Throughout the National Homebrewers Conference, Sasquatch himself will serve the beer to conference attendees. The winner will be recognized at the conference as the originator of the "Sasquatchian Ale" style and have the honor of serving their beer to renowned members of the American Homebrewers Association!

What do you need to do to enter? First, design and brew a beer that you feel embodies a "Sasquatchian Ale." Then bottle up 3 12 oz bottles and register your entry online at You will enter your beer as Category 23 – Specialty beer. The registration tool will allow you to enter your recipe so make sure to enter it completely. ENTRIES WITHOUT RECIPES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. In the "Special Ingredients" section of the entry form, please enter a 3-5 sentence description of why this beer embodies a "Sasquatchian Ale." After registering, you will print out your recipe entry form and bottle IDs to attach to your bottles with a rubber band. Please black out any bottle cap markings. For each entry you submit, please include a $5 entry fee (cash or check made out to "Larry's Brewing Supply"). Finally, either drop off or mail your entry to Larry's Brewing Supply by Wednesday, February 8th. Entries will be evaluated over the next week and we'll post the winner as soon as possible afterwards.

There are a few things to keep in mind while designing your beer. It will need to be something that can be feasibly replicated on a 1-1.5 barrel system. Please, no completely crazy ingredients or processes. It also needs to be brewable and consumable within around a 3 month timeframe.

So get brewing today and let your inner Sasquatch come out! Good luck!

Important Information:

Entry Fee: $5 per entry (3 12 oz. bottles per entry) – ENTRANTS MUST BE A MEMBER OF A WAHA REGISTERED CLUB – JOIN ONE TODAY!

Registration Website:
Entries Window: January 20th – February 8th
Mail to/Drop Off: Larry's Brewing Supply
c/o Sasquatch
7405 S. 212th St. #103
Kent, WA 98032

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 08:12
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