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Upcoming Homebrewing Celebrations! PDF Print E-mail
Events - WAHA Events
Written by Mark Emiley   
Thursday, 13 August 2009 09:14

With Senate Bill 5060 going into effect on July 26th, there are already some events in planning to take advantage of our new abilities to congregate as a community.  These will be our first chances to get together and share our homemade concoctions legally and in a non-competitive environment.

For the events currently planned, here is some basic information that you can use to get in touch with the organizers and be a part of the event! There will be:

BREW B.A.S.H (Brewers Assembling and Sharing Homebrew)

Date: Saturday, August 1st, 2:00 pm
Location: Yakima (please contact organizer for address)
Overview: All northwest brewers are welcome to come to a homebrew gathering in Yakima. As the law requires, all attendees must be a member of some homebrewing club, or be a brewer bringing a brew to share. Everyone should bring their own chairs and tables if they want them, and of course their own tapping equipment should they need it. People are encouraged to bring any equipment they no longer use, for trade or sale. Entry is $5 and all pre-sells and early sales will get an etched pint glass, as long as they last past the RSVPs.  There will be a BB-Queue, so anyone can bring meat, or a grill too if they like. Everyone is welcome to bring a dish they would like to share as well. Staying late or camping is welcomed, for safe and responsible drinking. It's on an acre of land in Yakima County, in East Selah.  CONTACT THE ORGANIZER FOR MORE DETAILS!
Contact for more information

Beerstock 5060

Date: Saturday, August 15th, 2:00-???
Location: Arlington (please contact organizer for address)
Who: Any member of a homebrewing club in Washington (private) - join a club today to participate!
Overview: To celebrate the passage of Senate Bill 5060, Washington brew clubs will gather for a day (and evening) of sharing our beer amongst clubs and building comraderie.  Plan to spend the night if you are consuming (camping available along with nearby hotels).  Main dish will be provided, potluck for the rest.  PLEASE CONTACT THE ORGANIZER FOR MORE DETAILS!
Contact for more information

Lakewood Rotary Homebrew Festival

Date: Saturday, August 29th, 11:00 - 9:00
Location: Near Orting, WA Click Here for a Map
Who: Any homebrewer who would like to bring homebrew to serve
Overview: We're kicking off an annual tradition that brings two great communities together.  Homebrewers get in for free if you bring five gallons (or more) of beer to share.  Every 5 gallons gets another person in.  There are $1000 in prizes for the homebrew competition.  All homebrewers are invited to camp out that night.  Go to for more information and to sign up.  Proceeds will benefit youth activities in Lakewood.  Good times benefit all who attend the festival!!!
Contact for more information


Last Updated on Thursday, 16 July 2009 03:00
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